B'THELIGHT by Brittany Swails

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Embrace the brokenness

God uses broken people like you and me, to rescue broken people like you and me.

I find it such a relief to know that a perfect God can use imperfect people, like myself. I say it all the time, His grace leaves me speechless. I find myself in a constant battle with the enemy daily. The lies he tries to convince of me of, sometimes stops me in my tracks and leaves me questioning everything I have worked so hard to overcome in my journey to find self worth. And if were being honest, I can almost bet, you know those lies as well. “You’re not smart enough.” “You’re story isn’t powerful enough.” “No one cares what you have to say.” “You don’t know the bible well enough to give advice the way you do.” Oh, and don’t even get me started on how he attacks our body image (I will save that for a whole other day). But you get my point.

To be human is to be vulnerable.  However, here is the awesome truth in all of this. We trust a God who allows hurt. But we also trust a God who uses the hurt for good.

I don’t know about you, but I have such a hard time connecting with a person who is perceived to be perfect. The person who has it all together twenty-four seven. That’s just not me. I am not built that way. I love the fact that I am perfectly imperfect. And the fact that I am is exactly why God uses me and my story to help others know that they are not alone. YOU are not alone. Your brokenness is beautiful and the more you allow yourself to seek God, the stronger your faith will grow and the more you will come to see that you want to scream about His goodness from the rooftops. I strive to provide a safe place for my loveds one. I strive for a place they can come to, and hear me say the words “Me, too, sister!” My mess is my message. And so is yours. Lets embrace our brokenness and leave the perfection at the door. Sisters, we have work to do.

Perfection intimidates. Compassion inspires.



The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

Deuteronomy 31:8