

Hope // identity // worth // confidence // faith

I work with Christian woman who are searching for their self worth, their courage, and their Identity as a result of an abusive or unhealthy relationship. Working together, I help you to navigate a path to finding your self worth again, to give you peace and to give you the hope that you need most within this season of life. I help you find the courage needed to face the shame and the fear of the unknown that is ultimately keeping you hostage from the life you most deserve.


a little breakdown of my story — the short Version

When I examine the emotions I felt from my past relationship, I can remember feeling my mind spin, constantly questioning if my relationship with my then husband would ever get better, if I could change him, if I could survive. If I am truly honest, the abuse that I endured brought me to a breaking point. The pain and fear of the unknown paralyzed me. A person can only take so much. Love should add, not take away. You shouldn’t have to fear every daily interaction with your spouse. You shouldn’t be made to feel insecure, unworthy, or in a constant state of worry because your partner threatens to leave, or hurt you if you leave them.


If any of this resonates with you, I am here to tell you that I have been exactly where you are and to reinforce the truth that it won’t always be this way. I don’t like focusing too much on the specifics of the abuse I endured because I like to look at the beautiful life I have now --- writing this to you. Fast forward to today and I am remarried to the most amazing man that constantly strives to create a beautiful, healthy, God honoring marriage. This transition didn’t magically happen overnight. In the end, this new life ultimately took FOUR years to find and accept. My hope is that some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way will help to provide some light and perspective to anyone who needs to hear it.

Each day I meet different women who are suffering just as I was, women who are longing to hear they are not alone, women who are dying to be heard and seen. Here is the truth --- you can turn your life around.

You too, can have a happy ending. You are worth loving. Even when you feel shattered and surrounded by darkness, hold on to hope and continue to push forward, find your inner light. The same power that you give to lies, you can now give to truth. Dig deep and start looking towards a future of celebration --- of your story, of what you’ve overcome, of your ability to use your story to help other women overcome, too!

A Few facts about me

  1. I received my training from the Coaches Training Institute® (CTI), an accredited organization by the International Coach Federation (ICF)

  2. I am an active Christian and look forward to my time with Jesus daily

  3. My husband is seriously brilliant and I couldn’t love him or be any more thankful for him if I tried

  4. I love my family and take great joy in being a wife, daughter, sister and aunt

  5. I am an athlete of all kinds; after playing division one softball at the University of Louisville, running is now my main jam

  6. I love sports and could easily spend an entire Saturday watching college football on my couch (don’t forget the junk food)

  7. I recently moved to Tiburon, California to be with my husband after growing up and living in Kentucky for 30 years

  8. I have an obsession for Mexican food — My husband and I are on a constant quest to find the world's best burrito bowl

there you have it

I am so beyond grateful that you are here. You are here for a reason, and I know without a doubt we will be a great team. If you are ready for a change, the time is now. Stop putting it off. The circle of abuse is just that, a circle. It isn’t going to change until you take action. You are in charge of you. The pain you are experiencing is what motivates me to tell my story every day.

So head over to my WORK WITH ME page and take that leap of faith, and let’s get moving in the right direction.

- Love, Brittany

What Clients Are Saying

Have you ever had a moment in your life where you’ve felt lost, broken, and afraid? For me I’ve had two moments in my life; once when my father passed away, and the other during a difficult time in my marriage that ultimately lead to divorce. I was on the floor crying out for help when I had a moment of clarity to reach out to Brittany. Meeting her for coffee one afternoon helped put life into prospective. Brittany pushed me to not only see the beauty surrounding my life, but more importantly within myself. She asked me the questions that I was afraid to ask myself and pushed me to find the important answers. Whenever I need clarity, a sounding board, a shoulder to cry on, or praise and excitement for the great things in life, Brittany is my go to. Thank you Brittany, for helping me find myself again, to become a better me, and to remember what I am capable of. 

— Melinda

I came to Brittany a couple years ago for some guidance with a few different toxic relationships in my life. My husband is wonderful and such an amazing man, but I had allowed a friendship to sneak in and become such a heavy influence in my life that I became someone I didn’t even know. I had made decisions I never thought I would and had become such a negative and judgmental person in the process. It happens so slowly that you don’t even notice until you look back and struggle to even recognize yourself. My life began to revolve so much around this friendship — family vacations, spending holidays together, etc — that the thought of ending it would have totally changed my life. But Brittany reminded me that LOVE ADDS, that any relationship worth having will help mold you and motivate you to become a better person, a light to others, a better version of yourself. I knew that to become healthy and whole again, to become the wife and mother I wanted to be, and to have the relationship with God again I so desperately needed that I had to end this friendship. Toxic relationships don’t have to be spouses or significant others — they can be your best friend — and as hard as it was I am so proud of the person I am now. I have healthy, beautiful friendships now that I may not have had before. My circle is so much smaller now, but these sisters in Christ I now have, have added so much love and light to my life! I am so thankful to Brittany. She is amazing!!!

— Amber