B'THELIGHT by Brittany Swails

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I believe in you

Hi friends! I have a lot of new faces on here and I feel like its been awhile since I updated y’all on what’s going on in my world...
Said simply, I work with Christian women who are ready to focus on finding their self-worth after escaping unhealthy relationships.

I am incredibly passionate about this and feel one-hundred percent called to be as open and vulnerable as possible about my past to help other women.
Depression, anxiety, shame… I have experienced it all. I am not ashamed of it. I work with clients on a daily basis who seem to only want a quick fix to get from point A to B, but I am here to tell you that it's not that easy. I wish I could tell you that after one session with me you will be soaring with joy and laughter. Sadly, that would be a lie. It takes time, it's hard work, it's a constant effort, and it means making a daily choice to pursue your own identity again.

My personal journey to healing took years. Mind you, I learned so much about myself, my value and self-worth, my social circles, and most of all how faithful God is.

I had to fall head first towards Jesus, again. I say again because for so long I had placed a relationship over my relationship with Him. I had placed my identity in a man that wasn’t leading me closer to Christ. And I struggled to find my worth in a person who saw no value in me, no matter how hard I tried.

I had to learn how to be alone with my thoughts. I had to invest daily in Him. I had to learn how to become fervent with my daily prayers. I had to learn to love myself again. Most nights, I would rush home from work just to read. Reading is where I found my peace. I would read, cry, pray, read, pray and cry some more.

I didn’t look for the next big thing to come along and fill my void of loneliness and shame. Instead, I tried daily to hit it head on. I held on so tightly to God's promises. I clinged to every word of hope I could find. I have literally felt the holy spirit wrap me in his arms when I couldn’t sleep.

As for my clients, here's what I've learned. Most people struggle to put in the real work. They are looking at the problems instead of Gods promises. And if you don’t take away anything else from what I am saying, please take this. The promises are ALWAYS greater than the problems you are facing. No matter what, God wants you to learn this simple fact before He delivers you. The delays and struggles that come as part of life do not destroy Gods purpose. Instead, they help to fulfill Gods purpose for your life.

If you feel like any of what you've just read speaks to you, if you feel that you're in the constant pattern of self doubt, please take this as your sign to reach out. I am on a mission to make every women feel heard, seen and loved because you are every part worthy.

Sometimes it might seem the easier road to simply hunker down and hold on for dear life. But believe me when I say it doesn't need to be this way. Be brave, be bold, have courage. It's time to B'THELIGHT.
