
‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’

Jeremiah 1:5


Since a young age I have been blessed with a lot of athletic ability. In fact, that’s a lot of how my identity was described to others.

I can always remember my dad asking, "Brittany, how do you want to be remembered?" Of course my answer always revolved around athletics and my answer to him was, "I want to be remembered as the best!"  

Thankfully I was raised in a christian family that taught strong morals and values. Through every practice, game, and tournament my values never wavered and I am confident that these lessons helped me to find athletic successes early on. Flash forward to college. I was blessed to be able to represent the University of Louisville softball program on an athletic scholarship, however, I wouldn’t go as far to call my athletic career at Louisville ‘great’. 

But I feel with all my soul it’s where God truly captured my heart. And for that, I couldn’t be more thankful.  

I got involved in a program called Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and had two of the best mentors imaginable, Chris Morgan and his wife Tammy. The answer to my dads question of "How do you want to be remembered?" quickly changed to me saying, "I want to be remembered as a good, kind, christian woman." 

I slowly started to see God humble me and I quickly realized that no matter how good my batting average was or how many awards I received, these wouldn't be the things discussed at the pearly gates. My perspective changed. Since then my goal has simply been to be the light and to shine His light for the world to see.  

I wish I could tell you that after college my life as a christian has been pure bliss. That couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the bumps I've experienced as an adult have been more challenging than anything I could have ever imagined. That said, to experience his grace and mercy so intimately has helped to make this journey well worth it.  

The question I leave with you today... ‘How do YOU want to be remembered?’ What impact are YOU having on others? Are you a drain or a fountain of love and hope?

Keep striving to be the light, friends! God keeps his promises and he won’t let you down!



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